One - on - One Relationships

Scripture is full of examples of one-on-one relationships in which the spiritual life of the participants was nourished and built up by the wisdom, knowledge, and experience of another Christian. Ruth and Naomi, Elijah and Elisha, Paul and Timothy - these are just some of the ones we can name. But the entire culture of the Ancient Near East was one of apprenticeship, mentorship, and discipleship, sitting at the feet of another who is further along your path to receive guidance or instruction.
At All Saints, we want to help you cultivate some of these life-giving relationships, whether you are facing a particular challenge or simply want another Christian voice speaking truth into your life. There are four forms of one-on-one relationships, depending on your need or desire - Ministerial Counseling, Spiritual Mentorship (Discipleship), Spiritual Direction, and Licensed Professional Counseling. These relationships are by no means exclusive from one another and it is often recommended to maintain them concurrently. For example, it is very common and appropriate for someone in a relationship of Spiritual Direction to also be in Licensed Professional Counseling.

Types of 1-on-1 Relationships

Ministerial Counseling
One of the main roles of the ministry staff at All Saints is to listen. Whether it is a one-time need for prayer and spiritual guidance through a life decision, or the first point of contact for an ongoing process of healing, our pastors and ministry leaders are available to meet with you. Please feel free to reach out using their contact forms found here.
Spiritual Mentorship/Discipleship
Spiritual mentorship is a relationship where a more spiritually mature Christian guides and supports another in their faith journey. It involves studying the Bible, prayer, discipleship, character development, and living out the Christian life, with the mentor providing guidance and being a role model to help the mentee grow in his or her relationship with God. Unlike a relationship of Spiritual Direction, the mentor’s spiritual life and individuality (habits, practices, background, culture) plays a greater role in the relationship (sharing their Christian life with another). Mentorship can be viewed as apprenticing another’s spiritual life.

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Spiritual Direction
Spiritual Direction is a professionally trained form of ministry. It is, in essence, the art of Christian listening, a sacred relationship to help someone to uncover and discover the direction of God in their lives. A Spiritual Director has been called and trained to accompany another person on his or her own spiritual journey.  The director helps people to listen, looking for the action of the Spirit in their lives. A Spiritual Director primarily cultivates the relationship with God and others so that it may deepen and grow.

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Licensed Professional Counseling
All Saints believes that professional counseling has a very important role in the Christian life for those experiencing an acute need, often experienced in combination with one or more of the types of relationships listed above. If you'd like a counseling referral or more information, please visit our counseling page.

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